The Morning Cruise Replay - Be A Revelation

Friday, October 02, 2020

This morning, we all woke up to the surprising news that was revealed last night when President Trump tweeted that he and the First Lady tested positive for Coronavirus. 

As we reacted to that, Carmen also shared from the Book of Revelations as she has been in a virtual Bible Study with Paige Brown on Revelations 1-3. 

For Dave, the Book of Revelations reminds him of a song by Steve Camp that he sang once and got a surprising reaction. 

The growth of The JOY FM has been incredible and we can't do it without your help. Financially and prayerfully, of course. But also through word of mouth as you share the station with your friends.In other words, it's a way for you to "be a revelation" and sharing JOY with others. 

Next week, we'll be sounding a little different as we begin Sharathon. And with that, Carmen almost revealed a new perk for Carmen's Crewe members. 

As we start to look at the holiday season, the CDC recently announced their recommendations on how to safely celebrate Thanksgiving and other events. Today, the Georgia State Fair, opens their gates for the first time and Dave told us what changes have come to the fairgrounds as people attend. 

If you haven't heard the latest episode of OFF-AIR with Carmen, then you haven't heard the revelation that Jules makes when it comes to "the limp she has always walked with". 

NASA had a launch yesterday and a very expensive piece of the puzzle for the International Space Station is in the news. 

00:33 Donor Stories 

04:44 President Trump's COVID diagnosis 

07:11 Paige Brown Bible Study 

10:27 Steve Camp Song 

13:23 Sharathon 

17:48 Carmen's Crewe

22:22 CDC on Thanksgiving/ Georgia State Fair Opens 

27:21 OFF- AIR with Carmen - College Advocates for Jules 

32:13 Sharathon is next week! 


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