Prayer Time - Psalm 91:1-3

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Prayer Time - Psalm 91:1-3

 Brand this truth on your heart, my friend. You can never go where God is not. He is with you today. He's here to hold you by the hand. He's the God who will never leave you. He will never forsake you. Hold onto his promises and I want us to pray. Psalm 91 I'll just go through a couple of verses today together with you, but I don't want to just read them.

I want us to pray them. I want us to come into agreement with them. There's such power in this word. It's living and active. It's alive. I heard someone say, I don't read the Bible. It reads me. His words are not just words. They're power. And the Bible says that God actually watches over his word. To perform it.

So we come into agreement with him. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. When you sit in, thrown under the shadow of Shadai, you are hidden in the strength of God most high. I thank you, Lord, that you invite us to dwell, to abide under your shadow, and that is where our strength and our protectionists.

I thank you, Lord, that you are the hope that holds me the stronghold to shelter me. The only God for me, my great confidence. You are our refuge, fortress, my God in whom I will trust. We trust you today. God, we trust you. He will rescue you. He will deliver you from every hidden trap of the enemy. He will protect you from false accusation and any deadly curse.

The new King James says he will deliver you from perilous pestilence. Pestilence is a fatal epidemic disease. God will deliver you and rescue you from perilous. Pestilence and Lord, we declare that over our family, over our nation. God for your deliverance, for your freedom, for your protection in the name of Jesus.

I thank you as we come into agreement together. Thank you that you are our healer. You're our hope. You're our life source for every need represented by my friends right now. Would you show yourself strong? We trust you. We love you. We honor you. We love that we can be your kids. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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