Creation World View and Why It Matters

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Creation World View and Why It Matters

Jules talks with a one-time evolutionist who became a creation scientist.

Jules and GradyDidn't you just love learning about sedimentary rocks, photosynthesis and the Scientific Method in school?  Yeah, me neither. To be totally honest, where science was concerned, I didn't graduate Cum Laude, I graduated "Thank ya Lordy!" So when I was approached with the idea of interviewing a scientist, I was a little skeptical.

Thankfully, the scientist I had the opportunity to speak with is no ordinary scientist. His name is Grady McMurtry, Ph.D., and he is a creation world view scientist. He's actually a missionary, who travels all over the world teaching about creation from the Biblical perspective. He unwraps the scientific history of the Earth as explained in the book of Genesis - that our world was created in six literal days. He has made it his life's work to debunk the theory of evolution. He explains - using current research - how humans did not come about by random chance.

Dr. McMurtry has been a scientist and teacher for a long time. I asked him when he first began teaching.  I thought he was kidding when he said he started when he was eight years old! He then shared with me his amazing journey of growing up in Berkeley, CA, the child of atheist parents, whose father taught evolution at UC Berkeley. He grew up in the paleontology lab; and it was because he was so well versed in scientific issues, that his third grade teacher asked him to teach the unit on dinosaurs. He new the material better than she did!

Grady has a fascinating story of how his scientific, logical brain - in a search for truth - led him to realize the Bible is the definitive source for truth about how we came to be in existence. Realizing the Bible was true regarding creation, his mind was opened and he was willing to learn the Gospel and receive Christ into his life.

As I mentioned before, I was not into science in school. I accepted the six day creation, because it's what I was always taught; and I didn't really care to delve into the matter any deeper. But I know for lots of folks, the age of the earth is a very big deal. So I asked Grady why it's so important for us non-science loving Christians to understand the science behind a creation world view. He told me the truth of the Bible begins with the truth of how the earth was created. It is foundational to all the rest of the truth presented in the Bible.

Grady also shared with me some valuable information as to how believers need to proceed when talking to non believers who come from an evolutionary world view. He makes the point that these folks are not often moved by emotional arguments or feelings. You have to speak their language. That's why people like me, who don't care about science all that much, really do need to care about it!

Talking to Dr. Grady gave me a new interest in, and better insight into, how folks who dig science think. But Dr. Grady shared with me that at the end of the day, whether you love digging into the details of how the earth was formed or you just aren't that into it, neither view matters when it comes to your salvation.

To learn more about Grady McMurtry and his ministry, Creation World View Ministries, check out my podcast interview with this very fascinating man of faith.

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