JOY Stories



Holding on to Faith

Change is a word that I would prefer to avoid in my life. I would prefer to stay comfortable with what I am familiar with. I would prefer not to step out into uncertain paths in my life. But what I prefer is not always God's plan. Starting high school is an idea that has been looming over my head all throughout my eighth-grade year. I've pushed it aside every time the thought surfaced. It’s easy to ignore something that seems so far away, but now I realize I will be stepping through my high school doors as a freshman in a handful of days.

As a Christian girl in this generation, I know I may not be accepted for my faith at school. I have spent the majority of my life pushing away my beliefs to become more “acceptable.” A few months ago, I was struggling with this problem. I wanted to be popular but I was convicted for some of the friends I was holding on to that were negatively impacting my faith. Laying in my bed talking to God, I asked him, “But God, if I lose all of my friends, who will I have?” Following that, I heard his voice answer me saying, “You will have me.” This has really changed my perspective on entering new areas of my life. I know it will be scary. I know not everyone will share my beliefs. I know I will face arguments and drama. But throughout every hard time, I also know God is always by my side.

God calls us to be different from the new ways of this generation. 1 Peter 2:9-10 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” Don’t let people's opinions change how you live whether that be your peers, coworkers, or family. Their judgment could never compare to that of God’s. We are children of the king, we cannot degrade ourselves for popularity, likes, or acceptance.

So as you step into new areas along with me starting my freshman year, be confident in God’s plan and purpose for you.

Photos for Cara


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